Lifestyle tips

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

Just curious if there’s any consensus on what works best for pilling on them pounds. I’ve tried both and enjoy the feasts more as my stomach is not packed full all the time, but I’m currently finding I’m just constantly snacking and in the first camp now. Love some feedback on your experience!

Sporadic feasts are best for long-term weight gain. Being constantly full can be fun, but only in the short term.

Gotta give your internals a break.
1 month

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

Sporadic for sure, I've found that if I do too big of a stuffing my appetite is killed for most of the day, but if I sneak those calories in through out the day just by snacking, I'm actually eating more and don't feel as full
1 month

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

I think my snacks end up being more than I’d anticipated and that’s why I’m so stuffed all the time. I like the idea of given the internals a rest, just need to develop some willpower to stop all the snacking between feasts

Honestly I'd do some experimenting if I were you, one day do big feasts and stuffings and count up all the calories you eat as the day goes along, and then the next day eat your meal like normal (maybe give yourself slightly bigger servings but nothing to extreme) and just do light snacking throughout the whole day. Then after both days compare how many calories you've eaten
1 month

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

I think my snacks end up being more than I’d anticipated and that’s why I’m so stuffed all the time. I like the idea of given the internals a rest, just need to develop some willpower to stop all the snacking between feasts

Honestly I'd do some experimenting if I were you, one day do big feasts and stuffings and count up all the calories you eat as the day goes along, and then the next day eat your meal like normal (maybe give yourself slightly bigger servings but nothing to extreme) and just do light snacking throughout the whole day. Then after both days compare how many calories you've eaten

Yeah, that’s what I would do
1 month

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

Well after a few days of experimenting with what works best for my body I’ve come to a few conclusions. 1) snacking throughout the day definitely sees an increase in how many calories I’m consuming and 2) Being stuffed for an extended period can let things sneak up on you.

There's definitely benefits to both so it's not black and white. Like I said above I prefer the "grazing" approach. But stuffing is still useful especially for stretching out my stomach a little bit and increasing my appetite. Even if I do get less calories out of it
1 month

Constantly full or sporadic feasts

I am partial to big meals that leave me moderately full with some “light” snacking in between.
1 month